
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bad Fishy

I know that I have talked about getting on my scale, but I probably never described it to you. The scale that sits lovingly on my bathroom floor is a bold blue color and shaped like a big 'ole fish. I like it because it's pretty fun! The times that I don't like it is when mister blue fishy tells me I've gained a few LBs. Last night I hoped on and saw a 4lb weight gain from last week; this morning it was down to a 2lb gain. I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong, because I'm not overeating and I am still doing all of my workouts. I am frustrated a bit here.

I will admit that since I gave up candy (gummy, chocolate, hard) for lent, I ate my little heart out to get rid of the leftover Valentine's day stash that I had. Kelly had us finishing off the oreos in the cookie jar too, although it was only 2 that I consumed. But I am seeing a little pooch, with I am not ok with! I haven't had an abundance of salt either. So, I am going stricter on my food intake now. In 3 months I will be basking on an island for 9 days, in a bikini for all to see! I would like to drop the 2 pounds again obviously, and gain a nice tan since they slim you down and give you a nice glow. I may need to get a few sessions in at a tanning salon, but I will revisit that thought in mid-April.

Well, I just wanted to get out my frustrations! This week has kind of flown by and I am so happy that tomorrow is Friday! Also, it smells like a bacon egg and cheese biscuit in the office and I am now drooling over the thought of someone eating that. Such is life!

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