
Monday, November 22, 2010

Birthday Weekend Rewind

Happy short week, everyone! While a lot of people took off of work for the week, I know there are still a few people toughing out the 2-3 days. It will be easy since no one else is in the office :) I am so excited for Thanksgiving because this year we have relatives in town and also Adam. Plus, I cannot wait for the beginning of the Christmas holiday! Friday it will all begin and I am beyond ready, especially since 98% of my shopping is already completed.

Before I get too far ahead of myself though, I wanted to do a weekend rewind. It was Adam's birthday and turned out to be an amazing time. I am lucky to have found someone that I absolutely love to spend my time with, and I will never take that for granted. There are so many people who struggle to find that, or throw it away once they do, so I literally count my blessings daily for what I have and I try to show it as much as I can.

Friday night we had dinner at Stonewood, opened presents and had double layer publix cookie cake. Yum! (It was great timing that after opening my gifts the doorbell rang with a present from his mom- a new blender! to quote Adam 'I never thought I would ever ask for a blender for my Birthday. I feel old.')

Saturday we were lazy all day. I made breakfast and snacks, we watched movies and tv, then went out for Sushi dinner at Dragonfly. We even opened all of the windows and got the fireplace going for the first time.(note the fancy new watch :) )

We finished off the weekend with cinnamon rolls, wings and football, Starbucks, a catnap and a walk around the neighborhood. Adam made us a pasta dinner and we got to watch Elf, which was our first Christmas movie of the season!

I hope that everyone had a great weekend and is finding much to be thankful for this season. Have a great Thanksgiving!

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