
Monday, November 23, 2009

Upping My Miles

Last week was extremely busy and left me hardly any time for working out. I got up Saturday morning and went about 4 miles, but it was a tough time. My problem running in the mornings is that Im dehydrated; the night before I am never thinking about how to fuel myself for the next day. I need to get better at this sine my run will be early in the morning and I will need all of the water and energy that I can get into my body beforehand.

Im back running with Erin today, and we are doing 6 miles. This will be my farthest time yet! Ive been drinking my water and getting some good carbs in to prepare. My legs have really seemed to be getting better, they no longer hurt and I feel like I could run forever on them. My breathing is holding me back at the moment. I can't seem to breathe through my nose, I've tried, but I start to panic because Im concentrating too hard and that just makes it worse. So I have started breathing through my nose and mouth at the same time. Who knows if this is any good for me, I could just be doing what people say you shouldnt, but for now it seems like a step in the right direction?

Even if I dont have the best run tonight, I am excited for the Turkey Trot, and even though it's crowded I hope that I can get a good time and see some improvement from before!

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