
Monday, November 9, 2009

Re-Starting Traning

With Erin having the marathon and all, there has been about 2 weeks in between our last run. I have continued to run outside, but mine are more at the 3 miles length. Today marks our restart of training. We plan to do twice a week runs downtown after work. These will be my hardest working days, and hopefully my long run will be happen on one of them. Since I haven't slacked off, I think that I'm at a good spot to start increasing my effort and mileage, and hopefully increase speed at the same time.I definitely do wonder how I am going to run a half on my own, without Erin there to keep me going though. I will really need to get some good runs in myself and build up to it. With some new music I think it will be easier, some faster pace setting tunes. I hope that I can keep it up throught the holidays and not let all of the candy and baked goods and cocked food weigh me down! I admit, I had Christmas colored peanut m&ms for breakfast. Oh, the joys of working in an office.
Im not sure if it is unrealistic to want to run under 10min/miles for my first half, and I know that I am going to need to be REALLY committed if I want to attain that, but it's what Im hoping for. Right now it's so easy for me to say 'ok Im going to go out there and run 6 miles and get a good start!' but around mile 2, Im ready to head back around. I just hope that the need to keep up with Erin is motivation to get my butt in gear on my own time as well!

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