
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

38 Weeks

We have 13 days to go until my due date, which sounds so close yet feels so far :) Honestly the weeks really have been going by pretty fast, and this is my last week at the office with people contacting me so the end does feel near in that respect. Last week we installed the car seat bases and were 100% ready for Remy to come. I will admit that I have been more prone to bad moods due to still being pregnant, though. I am over it and the whole waiting game and just want her out here already. These will be a hard couple of weeks to keep happy!

Progress: On Saturday we walked, I ran the house stairs and bounced on my yoga ball and could tell she was sitting a little lower. The doctor confirmed today that she is down far. She is also head down and facing my back so she is ready to go!

Weight Gain: I am down 1-2 lbs from last week, so I think I was right to suspect some sodium gain last week. Total Ive gained between 21-22lbs.

Exercise: Well, I made it through 37 weeks with my elliptical work, but my body has finally had enough. So, walking it is! Plus some squats and weights still, but my joints are loosening and feet are hurting which just make doing much more very uncomfortable. It makes me sad because I know I'm going to have weeks where I can only walk after the baby is here and I don't want to get out of shape, so I really wish I was able to work out harder for longer. Such is life!

Food: I honestly have been so hungry and cannot resist eating sugar filled foods. It's really bad, so at the store I picked up some fat free fudge pops and sugar free pudding. The 60 calorie indulgence is much better than downing cookies, ice cream sandwiches, etc. I really have tried to do better with my eating this past week, it's just getting hard.

At our ultrasound today they estimated Remy to be about 6lbs 10oz with a head full of hair, ready for those bows :)  I have been nauseous the past 2 mornings which is a good sign that things may be getting into place now for labor. I can only hope I wont be nauseous every morning for weeks now!

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