
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Monday comes so soon

Another weekend in the books - we had rain and sunshine and some cooler temps - about 70 as the high today and in the 60s yesterday. We saw 21 Jump Street (not bad but not the funniest - everyone else was watching Hunger Games so the theater was empty which was nice), browsed some furniture stores, went on a short 'hike' nearby and relaxed. Oh, and I ate way too many sweets. It's getting out of hand!!

I'm excited because I ordered a bracelet for the Baby to wear when she is a newborn and it should come within the next 2 weeks. I also ordered her and I matching bracelets that I will share when they come in as well - that one will be for when she is 3-6 months and I die thinking of us having matching accessories :)

I can't believe that I'm 31 weeks - single digit weeks to go! I already put aside all of my clothes for the hospital bag, although I wont complete it until I'm 35 weeks or so.

I decided that I'm going to create a pregnancy photobook to put in the baby's keepsake box once I have her. Hopefully she will be as sentimental as I am and appreciate it when she is older and pregnant. I have a busy baby week as I have a doctors appointment (they are every 2 weeks now!) and we are touring the daycare this week. It's associated with our office so it's the one we will be using regardless, and I'm excited to check it out and get our names in.

I plan to start baking some of my Pinterest ideas on Tuesday - so be on the lookout for lots of SWEETS! You aren't surprised, are you?? Adam is going up north this coming weekend and will be able to take some with him so I won't feel bad baking a lot - I know he will take some and it won't all go to waste here. I love pinterest but find myself pinning and never doing anything with them - so I want to fix that and get to creating some of the delish foods that I stumble upon. If you aren't on pinterest yet, what are you waiting for?!?!

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend and has a nice monday :)

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