
Monday, November 29, 2010

Detox Week

I don't know about you, but I really feel like I have gained 5 pounds since last Wednesday. The sodium and fat from the celebrating is nestling into my body and trying to make it a new home. I just don't feel well, so I'm doing a low calorie diet for the week. Honestly I'm so full from the past days that I'm not really even that hungry.

My mom made some turkey soup with the leftovers, so that is my lunch all of this week. I also got a small loaf of fresh bread from publix and will have a slice with my soup. For breakfast I plan to do fruit with my coffee. I need to down as much water as I can to get things out of my system, so I want to make sure that I keep on top of that. My dinners will be asparagus and carrots roasted in the oven, a little brown rice and the rest of the mini pumpkin turkey meatloaf muffins that I pulled out of the freezer. I am already thinking about the weekend too! I want to cook our meals, so I'm thinking stuffed peppers, stuffed turkey burgers, chicken parm burgers or fish might be good. My battle will be with the Christmas colored reeses and kisses at work! If I limit to 2 a day I think that should satisfy the craving and not do too much damage. Tell me I'm right?!

I am glad that I can identify when my eating gets off track, as that is usually the problem and a month later you've gained 10 pounds. It felt really great to hit the gym today and do weights and cardio both. Tomorrow Ill do cardio and then spin class with Meaghy, so I'm definitely on the right track again. I think I'll be feeling better by next Monday!

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